We Make Strategic Planning Easy!

Having no plan,
is a plan to fail

Do you have a Strategic Business Plan for 2024?

Having no plan, is a plan to fail.

ResultsBI software will help you quickly assemble a Strategic Business Plan.
You will have a clear path to growth and financial security.
A wizard will guide  you through creating a plan for your company.
Coaching videos and workbooks make you an expert. 
ResultsBI software will help you quickly assemble a Strategic Business Plan.
You will have a clear path to growth and financial security.
A wizard will guide  you through creating a plan for your company.
Coaching videos and workbooks make you an expert. 

Have certainty about the future!

No Strategic Plan?
That’s A Plan to Fail.

Without a Strategic Business Plan, business leaders waste most of their time chasing rabbits, putting out fires, and trying to convince customers and partners that they have everything under control when they don’t.
Even when businesses that have a Strategic Plan, 85% of
them fail to execute it.  It sits in a binder somewhere and gathers dust.
ResultsBI empowers you to create a living document that you can use for day-to-day management.  The cultural impact is massive.  Your employees will feel it.  So will your partners, and so will your customers.

How It Changes Everything...

The ResultsBI
R5 Methodolgy:


This Is What Our Customers Say...

"The strategic planning was a game changer for us and helped us get all on the same page. Now we run all our meetings on ResultsBI.com and love the ability to make all our notes in a central system...the leadership team have regular reviews of the strategy and we derive our strategic goals from the same platform. We’ve achieved and implemented more in the first quarter than we have for the past 2 years
— Spencer Dormer
Dynamics GEx, Australia
The Strategic Planning Workshop was just superb and deeply inspirational.  This was easily the best two hours I have spent on any new endeavour in the past several years.
— Maurice O’Connor, CEO
Vearsa, Ireland
ResultsBI.com is a must for CEO’s and business owners. It’s the best tool I’ve used to both define and align my team to our company’s strategy
— Peter Steele, CEO
Revenue Automation, Canada
"Integrated meetings was a God-sent, allowing the transparent management of all tasks while working remotely."
— Paul Broderick, General Manager
           Pembroke Hotel, Ireland
With the help of the ResultsBI.com Platform we exceeded our growth target by 23%
— Gerry Suckling. GM
Intex Group, New Zealand

This Is What Our Customers Say...

"The strategic planning was a game changer for us and helped us get all on the same page. Now we run all our meetings on ResultsBI.com and love the ability to make all our notes in a central system...the leadership team have regular reviews of the strategy and we derive our strategic goals from the same platform. We’ve achieved and implemented more in the first quarter than we have for the past 2 years
— Spencer Dormer
Dynamics GEx, Australia
The Strategic Planning Workshop was just superb and deeply inspirational.  This was easily the best two hours I have spent on any new endeavour in the past several years.
— Maurice O’Connor, CEO
Vearsa, Ireland
ResultsBI.com is a must for CEO’s and business owners. It’s the best tool I’ve used to both define and align my team to our company’s strategy
— Peter Steele, CEO
Revenue Automation, Canada
"Integrated meetings was a God-sent, allowing the transparent management of all tasks while working remotely."
— Paul Broderick, General Manager
           Pembroke Hotel, Ireland




Published weekly features strategy execution guidance, as well as news about upcoming events and workshops.
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